Trey's Home Page

Hello! Welcome to my page, this page will be about me, like playing, video games, my school schedule, the sports I enjoy watching and all about me! I am a senior at Washington High School and im really enjoying my last year here and im really excited to get out and enjoy the real world! Its going to be alot to enter the real world but I know I can do it. I'm going to miss alot of the friends I have made over the years here at Washington High School but I know that one day I will see them again. I like to play video games alot my preferred system is the Playstation 4. I have listed a few of the websites below for all the best gaming news and all the games I enjoy playing at the moment.

Favorite Video games

  1. The Divison
  2. Batlefront
  3. Fallout 4
  4. Dark Souls 3
  5. PlantetSide 2

Favorite Websites

School Schedule

Trey's Schedule

Class Teacher Period
Band Mr.Dayton 1
English 12 Mr.Campbel 2
Study Hall Mr.Bunner 3
Lunch Me 4A
World History Mr.Plasio 4B
Physical Training Mr.Clutter 5
Web Design Mr.Constantino 6
Physical Science Mr.Virgili 7
Statistics and Probability Mr.Burch 8